
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New oven!!

   Wow, WHAT AN EXCITING DAY TODAY!!! Lets back up to Sunday....My father in law paid us a visit and mowed the lawn (I know I am spoiled!) While cooking dinner, I was asking him questions, asking his opinions, and expressing my dream of closing in the carport so I can call myself a legal bakery. I guess he understood how bad I want this, and how serious I am because he took it upon himself to pay a visit to the  planning commission and HD, even got online and tracked me down an oven!!! Boy am I impressed with how quickly this man can get stuff done! He went today to inspect the oven and sent me some pictures of it. He found me a barely used double convection wall oven!!! And because its used, got us an AWESOME deal on it! I am tickled pink! Today has made me feel like I am just that much closer to my dream! It will still take some time, and tight wallets to make building the little home bakery come to life, but we are on our way! I couldn't have asked for a more supportive family. I AM BLESSED! Now, I will debut the new oven! I haven't named her yet because I have not been able to meet her just yet, but I will get the chance to see her in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet oven girlie!! And looks like you are a fabulous baker...loved the bridal cupcakes!!
    Thanks for following me!!
