Monday, January 17, 2011
Bridal Tasting
Photos of the spread of my first bridal tasting! Starting with the first picture: This is an overall picture of the entire tasting spread I presented to my wonderful bride. I have the table set for two (It was supposed to be just her and her mother, but her fiance and best friend tagged along as well)-No problem! We made it work! ANYWAYS on the wedding plateau I have the cakes displayed. On their plates I spread some strawberry filling for the bride to sample with each cake she tried so she could get a taste of her cakes with, or without the filling. Now, moving down to the third picture in our spread, I have a close up of one of the "Mini Wedding" cakes. This cake is "Wedding White" vanilla cake, covered in a crusting cream cheese icing. The next picture down is the other "Mini Wedding" cake, only this one is "White Wedding" vanilla, marbled with chocolate cake, filled with a white chocolate ganache, and then flawlessly covered with fondatnt! The cupcakes: All 6 cupcakes are chocolate cupcakes, 3 are topped with my staple white buttercream, and the other 3 were topped with a whipped chocolate ganache. I am very proud with how the spread turned out, and even more please with how smooth the appointment went with the bride and her guests!
Very nice set-up! I love the beach theme. Elegant!